On being based on the Name which is concealed under numerous veils and has various manifestations and different spheres the sciences and arts and attainments find their perfection and become reality. It is not some incomplete and deficient shadow.
For example engineering is a science; its reality and final point reaches to Almighty God's Names of All Just and Determiner and observes with all their majesty the wise manifestation of those Names in the mirror of engineering.

And for example medicine is a science and also an art; its final point and reality relies on the Absolutely Wise One's Name of Healer and through seeing its compassionate manifestations in the vast pharmacy of the face of the earth medicine finds its perfection and becomes reality.
And for example the natural sciences which discuss the reality of beings; through seeing the regulating nurturing supreme manifestations of Almighty God's (May His glory be exalted) Name of All-Wise in things in their benefits and advantages and through attaining to the Name and being based on It these sciences may contain true wisdom. Otherwise they are either transformed into superstition or become nonsense or open up the way to misguidance like Naturalist philosophy.
There three examples for you! You may make analogies with these for the other sciences and attainments.