Twenty‑first window: Consider the following verse:

The sun runs its course to its place destined that is the determining of the All‑Mighty the All‑Knowing. (36:38)

The sun the universe's lamp is a window onto the Maker of the universe's Existence and Unity which are as brilliant and radiant as the sun itself. Despite their great differences in size position and speed the 12 planets move and revolve with perfect order wisdom balance and without confusion. Bound to the sun through a Divine law known as gravity they follow their leader and thereby show on a large scale the Divine Power's grandeur and the Lord's Unity. Just imagine how tremendous a Power and Wisdom are engaged in rotating those lifeless bodies those vast unconscious masses so perfectly and in using them as He wills. If any degree of chance were to interfere in this vast and complex event it would cause such a great explosion that the universe would be ripped apart. If it were to stop a planet's motion for even a minute that planet would leave its orbit and collide with another planet. Imagine the awesome collision of bodies thousands of times larger than Earth.

Referring the solar system's wonders to God's All‑Encompassing Knowledge we consider only our own Earth. We see it make a long journey around the sun due to the Lord's command to carry out a most important duty and in a way showing the grandeur of the Lord's imperial Power and Majesty the loftiness of Divine Sovereignty and the perfection of His Mercy and Wisdom.[3]  Like a ship ordered by the Lord it has been filled with God's wonderful creatures and made like a moving place of recreation for His conscious servants. The moon has been attached to it with precise reckoning for mighty instances of wisdom like being an hour‑hand telling the time and given various mansions through which to journey. These aspects of this blessed planet prove an All‑Powerful One's necessary Existence and Unity with a testimony as strong as Earth itself. You can make an analogy with the rest of the solar system from this.

Moreover the sun turns on its own axis like a spinning‑wheel in order to wind the immaterial threads called gravity into a ball and then uses them to tie planets and set them in order. One theory says the sun and its planets are driven at a high speed toward the constellation Lyra (the "sun of suns"). This occurs by the All‑Majestic One's Power and command the Monarch of Eternity. It is as if He makes the solar system move like an army of soldiers under orders. thereby showing His Lordship's majesty.

So. O astronomer can chance have a hand in these affairs? Tell me what causes can reach them what force can draw close to this! Would such an All‑Majestic Sovereign display impotence and give others a share in His Sovereignty? Would He give this especially living beings which are the universe's fruit result aim and cream to other hands? Would He permit others to interfere? Would He leave us to our own devices even though we are the most comprehensive fruit the most perfect result. His guest and vicegerent on Earth (one who must rule according to His laws) and serve as a mirror (reflecting His Names)? Would He leave us to nature and chance thereby reducing His Sovereignty's majesty and His perfect Wisdom to nothing?

[3] 2This is described in The Third Letter. Said Nursi. The Letters. (The Light. Inc.. 1998).