Sixteenth window: The order and organization in creation and the management of creatures recruited every season on Earth show a universal purposiveness and wisdom. Since an attribute cannot be without the one it qualifies that universal wisdom shows a Wise One. The wonderful adornment within that veil of wisdom shows an all‑embracing grace which shows a Gracious. Munificent Creator. The all‑encompassing favoring and benevolence within that veil of grace show an all‑encompassing mercy which shows an All‑Merciful. All‑Compassionate One. The sustenance and provision of all living creatures on that veil of mercy all perfect and appropriate for their needs show an upbringing and training providence and a compassionate Lordship. That training and administering show an All‑Munificent Provider.
Each creature having been raised with perfect wisdom adorned with perfect graciousness favored with perfect mercy and nurtured with perfect caring and compassion bears witness to the necessary Existence of an All‑Wise. Munificent. Compassionate. Providing Maker and points to His Unity. Consider the all‑encompassing wisdom manifested on Earth which clearly shows a purpose and will.
Consider the perfect grace encompassing all creatures in accordance with wisdom; the all‑embracing mercy comprising both grace and wisdom and touching all creatures; and the most generous sustaining and nurturing comprising the mercy wisdom and grace touching all living creatures. Just as the seven colors form the light and the light illuminating Earth shows the sun so too that grace within wisdom mercy within grace and sustaining and nurturing within mercy show brilliantly and on a vast scale and at a high degree the Unity and Lordship of a Most Wise. Munificent. Compassionate. Providing and Necessarily‑Existent One.
How can you explain this wise as well as compassionate generous. providential sustaining and raising; this extraordinary wonderful miraculous state of affairs before your eyes? By random chance and coincidence blind force deaf and mute nature or by powerless lifeless and ignorant causes? By giving the name of "nature." which is infinitely impotent ignorant deaf. blind contingent and helpless to the All‑Majestic One. Who is infinitely Powerful. Knowing. Hearing and Seeing? Do you want to commit such a serious mistake? How can you extinguish a truth as brilliant as the sun? Under what veil of heedlessness can you hide it?