After death the sinful will take on ugly forms and remain under the earth forever until eternity while pure souls will join angels and live among exalted ones.
On the sheets buried together with the dead we also read petitions like the following:
Greetings to You. O Divine Being Exalted! I have come to Your presence in order to observe Your infinitely beautiful Face. Please favor me with this observation! I wronged no one nor betrayed anyone. I caused no one to weep nor killed anyone. I oppressed no one either. I am here in Your presence to present my situation to You. I only desire to observe Your Face.
If we search through the tombs epitaphs written materials and works of art that have remained of bygone peoples we hear the sighs of eternity echoing through the whole past of humankind. Despite the alterations and distortions that the passing of time has brought about in the intervening centuries we can easily discern belief in eternity in ancient India. China and Greece as well as in most of Western philosophy.