The child has the same meaning for the continuation of the human race as the seed of a tree has for the continued growth and multiplication of that tree. Any people who neglect their children are subject to decay and those who abandon them to foreign culture risk losing their identity.

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Children form the most active and productive part of a community after every thirty or forty years. Those who have little children and pay no attention to them should consider how important an element of a people's life they are disregarding and shudder.

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The reasons for the vices observed in today's generation and the incompetence of some administrators and other nation-wide troubles lie in the conditions prevailing and the ruling elite of thirty years ago. Likewise those who are charged with the education of today's young generations will be responsible for both the vices and virtues that will be apparent thirty years from now.

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Any people who would like to secure their future should apply as much energy to the upbringing of children as they devote to other problems. The energy devoted to many other things may go in vain but whatever is spent for the upbringing of young generations to elevate them to the rank of humanity will be like an inexhaustible source of income.

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Miserable evil ones in a community the anarchists the drug or wine addicts and the dissolute etc. - were once children whom we neglected to educate properly. I do not know whether we are giving enough consideration to what kind of people will be walking about in our streets tomorrow.

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The peoples who attach due importance to the institution of the family and the education of their young generations - not those who are more advanced in sciences and technology than others -will get the upper hand in the world of the future. The peoples who neglect the institution of the family and the education of their young generations are destined to be crushed by pitiless wheels of time.

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Parents should feed the minds of other children with knowledge and science before they are engaged in useless things. For souls that are empty of truth and devoid of knowledge are fields in which all kinds of evil thought are cultivated and grown.